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Roman Reigns comments on Jon Moxley leaving WWE for AEW

Updated: Jul 8, 2019

It’s different from how Seth Rollins handled it.

Last week, we heard from WWE Universal champion Seth Rollins about... well, about a lot of things. One of the things he spoke on in depth was his former Shield brother Dean Ambrose not only joining All Elite Wrestling as Jon Moxley, but openly criticizing WWE’s creative process in a series of shoot interviews after he did so.

This week, we’re going to hear from the third member of the Hounds of Justice. Sports Illustrated’s Justin Barrasso is promoting his interview with Roman Reigns which will publish in his weekly Wednesday column with a quote from the Big Dog about Moxley. Maybe when the full piece hits, we’ll see that Reigns went into more depth defending WWE, or going after Mox. But based on what Barrasso is offering today (Mon., July 1), it doesn’t look like Roman is digging himself down into the dirt like Rollins did:

“I don’t think our working relationship is going to be what it used to be, but I’ll always have love for that guy, he’ll always be my close friend, and I wish the best for him. We have a brotherhood, so I’m always cheering for him. I’ve shared so many great moments with Ambrose, or Mox. We have love for each other well beyond the wrestling, and it will always be that way.”

Backstage rumors, and even WWE’s own documentaries, always made it seem like Reigns and Ambrose were a little tighter than Ambrose and Rollins. That’s probably part of it.

But we may also be seeing a difference between why Roman is openly considered a leader in the locker room, while that’s not something we hear about Seth.

Again, we’ll see when the whole interview comes out in two days. But just comparing what we have so far, Reigns sounds hurt, but still able to separate the personal and focus on taking care of his own business.

Rollins sounded, well... gotten to.

I know whose lead I’d want to follow.



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